What is it that TOP NFL Football Players know about playing legendary football that you don't?
The answer may surprise you. Here is the SIMPLE ANSWER, IT IS, SUPER HUMAN LEVELS OF SELF CONFIDENCE! And that comes from
Training The Mental Game of Football With Hypnosis.
Is The Best Kept Secret of Legendary Pro Football Players.
Now read all about it, but only if you are serious.
Warning Football Players
Don't let your mamma see this. It will scare her.
Only Read This If You Are 110% Ready To Flat Out Generate Maximum Competitive Impact In Football. Because what you are about to discover is the secret that creates the Striking Peak Performance That Annihilates Your Opponents! Once You know these FOOTBALL secrets
You will HIT guys even twice your size with all the intensity and impact of a freight train. Knock them on their butt and make them respect you.
And You Will Have A Giant Competitive Advantage In FOOTBALL.
Finally YOU Can Now Discover The Closely Guarded Secrets That Top Professional Football Players Use To Have An UNFAIR Advantage Over Everyone.
Never the partial you, never the tired you or the half ass you or the wimpy, unproductive you. Always the MAXIMUM YOU, WITH UNSTOPPABLE SELF CONFIDENCE!
If You Are Ready To Take YOUR Football Game To A Whole New Level
And Experience YOUR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL! YOUR Explosive Power,
And Become a Football Player Who Plays With A Strong Mental Game... Maximum Confidence, Drive, Aggression, Speed, Intensity, Dominance, Agility, Accuracy, Control, Reaches New Personal Bests, Plays With Mental and Physical Toughness, Dominates Their Opponents At ALL TIMES!
If you want to Be a Football Player Who Commands Respect. Gets Attention and Ultimately WINS!
I have The Solution That YOU Need.
If you are a football player who has figured out that strengthening your "mental game" is actually as important as strengthening your physical game this will be the most important website that you ever read. Here is why...
If you've got 59 minutes to listen to a Mp3 or CD before you head out to play football, I will show you the secret of how to
Play football like an All-Star TOTALLY DOMINATING YOUR COMPETITION, playing with CONFIDENCE, Sticking them hard, blocking and tackling, running with amazing speed and power, controlling the ball. scoring touchdowns, throwing with amazing accuracy and speed, catching perfectly... and KICKING ASS AND WINNING, over and over
GUARANTEED! - Or You Get To See it for FREE!
Here is a big training secret in football.
It does not matter if you play NFL, college or you are a high school football player
The secret of how to play LEGENDARY football all lies within training your mind!
You see, its really quite simple, legendary football players play with an exceptionally strong mental game, a very high level of CONFIDENCE and the ability to turn on "THE ZONE" on command!
I will show you how to use 100% of your mind and body's power and have the same level of confidence and focus as top achieving football players, no matter how poorly you are performing right now.
No matter how much you practice your physical game ... no matter how much time that you spend at the gym or how much money you spend on football equipment and training... no matter how strong you are or what vitamins that you take...
Success in Football Is
Still 90% Mental!
Because your mind controls your body.
But still, most of the struggling or average football players spend 100% of their time effort and money working on physical practice. This is why so many football players get themselves into college or the NFL and then they collapse under pressure, fall into a slump and get traded, benched or released.
They have a decent physical game, but they have NO MENTAL GAME!
But if you think $77.00 is to much to pay for a proven football training program that
has been proven to help pro football players achieve greatness and that will practically force you to be the MAXIMUM YOU and play like a champion football player so that you can have a multi-million dollar career playing a sport that you love,
this is not for you.
Dear football player
Let me ask you a question:
What is it that the following NFL Football and college players below know about playing great football that you don't
( see if you recognize any of these football players)
FOOTBALL Team and Position (when working with Football Hypnotherapist Peter Siegel)
Max Starks Pittsburgh Steelers Offensive Lineman
Eric Johnson New Orleans Saints Tight End
Bill Bates Dallas Cowboys Strong Safety
Jim Jeffcoat Dallas Cowboys Defensive Lineman
Kevin Brooks Dallas Cowboys Defensive Lineman
Jeff Jaeger LA Raiders Field Goal Kicker
Bob Golic LA Raiders Nose Tackle
Steve Beuerlein LA Raiders Quarterback
Mike Dyal LA Raiders Tight End
Pete Koch Kansas City Chiefs Defensive Lineman
Jim Byrne LA Rams Defensive Lineman
Lyle Alzado Cleveland Browns/LA Raiders Defensive Lineman
Troy Aikman UCLA Quarterback (went on to NFL: Cowboys)
Matt Stevens UCLA Quarterback
(went on to Arena Football)
Lance Zeno UCLA Center
(went on to NFL: Cleveland Browns, Green Bay Packers)
Mark Schmidt UCLA Defensive Lineman
(went on to NFL: Rams)
Tim Ryan USC Defensive Lineman
(went on to NFL: Bears)
Ryan Knight USC Running Back
All of these football players worked with our company on their SELF CONFIDENCE AND the MENTAL GAME OF FOOTBALL
“Pete's Methods Have Impressed Me To A Degree Where I now Use Them Personally And I have Applied The With in My Coaching of All Of My Players.”
-Bob Casullo Special Teams Coach Formerly with Seattle Seahawks, New York Jets and The Oakland Raiders.
Dear football player
Its really quite simple: If you want to be a football player that consistently shatters football records,
makes your teammates admire and respect you and leaves your competitors in the dust...
Then you need to practice a part of football that most football players never spend any time on.
What I'm talking about is the MENTAL GAME OF FOOTBALL!
You see, while most football players will spend countless hours running plays, and drills, hitting, throwing, kicking, working out at the gym, or going to football camps and even taking dangerous drugs. Almost NO ONE will spend any time or money on boosting their self confidence, focus and power by working on their MENTAL GAME TRAINING ( until they have a problem)
The football players mentioned above sure did. Joe Montana did and so did a whole bunch of players who I cant even mention here. But trust me you know who THEY are!
The reason that most players don't (especially bench warmers) is that mental game training is not shown on television. Its not sold in sporting goods stores, its not fun like playing football, you don't get to break a sweat or “stick” anyone and most football players don't really understand it.
That is why most football players are average at best and this is why the above average football players don't talk too much about it. This is also why so many good football players play well at the high school and college level and then collapse under pressure in the NFL and end up on the bench.
Yet all of your time effort and money spent working on mental game training will pay off MASSIVELY!
Just ask any MEGA successful pro football player or coach and they will tell you.
Football IS 90% MENTAL
That is why the mental game training in football is such a well kept secret.
And Once You Learn These Unusual Little Known Secrets You Will
Have The Magic Ingredient That Results In
Playing Extraordinary Playing.
Now I know that you if you are currently playing football you might respond with “yeah right” Football is 100% physical!” But if you truly think that football is not really mental that's exactly why YOU need this program. I will prove it to you in minute from now.
Look, you can be a big dummy and you doubt me or you to can be smart and learn the same incredible results producing techniques that scores of football players have used to transform themselves from unknowns to starters, competitive standouts and famous football players.
I don't care how big and strong you are. Any player who uses this program will STICK YOU ON YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOU WANNA CALL FOR YO MAMMA!
These mental toughness techniques create amazing breakthroughs almost immediately. They help generate super levels of confidence, focus, competitive intensity, action power, drive to triumph, measurably increased speed and power.
QUICK and EASY To Learn
If you've got 59 minutes to listen to an mp3 or CD before you head out to your next football practice or game you will know the football secrets that “elite” football players will pay thousands of dollars to learn this year... and that most other football players will even hear about.
I'm going to reveal to you the big football tips and secrets that pro high achieving football players use that allow them to play WITH MAXIMUM CONFIDENCE, FULL FORCE EFFORT, MAXIMUM POWER, SPEED AND AGGRESSIVENESS AND AGILITY, SNAP TO WHISTLE! And do it down after down, and achieve greatness in football. Game after game, season after season.
With these EASY TO USE TECHNIQUES you will have the tools to propel your football skills into the stratosphere.
Lets face it, staying focused, relaxed, feeling dominant thoughts of confidence, being TOTALLY aggressive and playing football is hard. Playing while in PAIN. The harsh weather, noise from the crowd, chanting, booing, other players, opponents, thoughts and fears of making a mistake, or getting hurt, failure, embarrassment, losing, coaches, money worries, plus stress, family, work, school, girls in the stands... negative thoughts about past mistakes, the field conditions... it goes on and on. All this leads to frustration, week hits, poor throws, missed catches, reduced speed, stupid mistakes and overall poor performance. Yet your ability to remain FOCUSED and to be totally CONFIDENT, MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY AGGRESSIVE, MENTALLY TOUGH, DOMINANT and to TRUST YOUR TEAM MATE and YOURSELF IS CRITICAL if you want to play football like a champion.
Here are a few important football questions
How many times during practice or a game have you felt or known that there was more within you then you were able to show on the football field?
Have you ever wondered why the potential for greatness just stayed within you un-expressed?
Did you ever wonder how you can tap into your hidden potential so that you could “BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE” and play as the MAXIMUM YOU during a practice or competition so that you hit with maximum power, run with full speed play after play.
The answer has been a secret. Yet its simple, EASY TO USE and you are about to learn it
Mastering the Mental Game of football IS the Best Kept Secret of Pro Football Players.
It is the difference between All-Star / Hall of Fame football Players and everyone else. This is why top football players pay thousands of dollars to work with sports hypnotherapists in order to master these mental game techniques. They know that even though you absolutely have to “hit and be tough” the real leverage in football comes from mastering the mental game not just the physical game.
The mental game is critical because
1) Your mind controls your body.
2) When two players with similar physical skills compete against each other it is the one with the stronger mental game that will prevail.
Look I know that you might have a tough time fully grasping this because they never discuss it on sports talk shows or in Sports Illustrated Magazine so let me give you a few real world examples.
Have you ever seen (perhaps in high school football) where a small football player with a big attitude lines up against a big burly football player and THEN THE small football player sticks the big guy so hard that the big football player landed on his ass and wondered what just happened?
I have!
Did the little guy have more physical strength in his body?
No! He had it in his mind. He had it in his heart. He had it in his soul!
He had a stronger mental game and the DOMINANT, CONFIDENT, AGGRESSIVE THOUGHTS that were in his mind sent explosive power into his body.
Have you ever heard a news report of an old lady who saw her grand child pinned under a car and somehow managed to lift the car off the child?
Every wonder how she suddenly displayed such MASSIVE STRENGTH?
It came from her MIND!
Get it?
Here is the cost of NOT TRAINING your mind and NOT HAVING A STRONG MENTAL GAME.
Just ask any good, big, strong, fast, American football player did well in high school or college and then got passed over by the NFL and could only play in the Canadian Football League or ask any NFL player who spent his career warming a bench getting splinters in his butt or who kept getting traded....
They will all admit, “I wish I'd had a stronger mental game.”
They will all talk about how they had trouble staying CONFIDENT AND mentally tough, focusing and that things distracted them or that they didn't deserve to be there or that even though they felt that they should be a starter they just could not play with MAXIMUM IMPACT because their mind would get caught up on something and that negative, wimpy, unsupportive thoughts would creep into their head and cause them to make stupid mistakes, hit soft, fumble, lose control and how they would get frustrated or intimidated or get into a slump that they could not get out of, no matter what they did.
That's why
No matter how much you practice your physical game ... no matter how much time that you spend at the gym or how much money you spend on football equipment and training... no matter how strong you are or what vitamins that you take...
Success in Football Is
Still 90% Mental!
Because your mind controls your body.
But still, most of the struggling or average football players spend 100% of their time effort and money working on physical practice. This is why guys get themselves into college or the NFL and then they collapse under pressure, fall into a slump and get traded, benched or released.
They have a decent physical game, but they have NO mental game.
Remember, your mind controls your body.
That's why “The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions CD” is the piece of football equipment that you MUST HAVE if you want the competitive edge in football.
Now before I tell you about how you can significantly improve your mental game
I want to share with you this
Most football coaches especially, “old school' coaches will just tell you that you don't need to do any sort of “mental game," mental head trip stuff” All you gotta do is love to hit and be tough!”
But this is easier said then done. The reason that it is so easy for them to say this is that most football coaches live and breathe football 25 hours a day. They are like walking talking MAD DOGS OR AGGRESSIVE PIT BULLS!
Its easy for them to tell you “Just Hit and Be Tough” because they don't take the hits anymore. They stand on the sidelines with a clipboard and a whistle and SCREAM. Also due to their advanced level of experience and years in the game, coaches have already developed the type of hard nosed thinking and internal drive that YOU still need help with and chances are that you are still at the age where your internal thoughts and identity as a football player are still developing in the same way that your body is.
Oh plus,
But you do!
How to Instantly feed “Pro Level” Thinking, Confidence, Explosive Power, Dominance, Speed Agility, Accuracy And Mega Performance Impact Into Your Football Game”
Quick Start System
This Quick Start System Gives You Everything That You Need To Work On Your Mental Game and To Bring Out The Very Best In Yourself and Play Winning Football!
This amazing audio program is made specifically for football players and it is available to you on CD or Mp3 it is EASY TO USE. It is unlike anything that you have ever tried.
Just listen at bedtime with or without headphones on. You will hear the gentle sounds of soft relaxing guitar and piano music playing in the background.
Very quickly you will drift off into a wonderful dream like state of mind known as hypnosis. Eventually you will fall into a wonderful night time sleep. Meanwhile, I will be speaking to you in a soft, soothing, relaxing voice. During this process I will guide you through a wonderful relaxation process called hypnosis where your subconscious mind opens up and records and accepts positive instructions, ideas and feelings about yourself as a football player which are all in your best interest (no matter what position you play) This positive voice and instructions for being a more CONFIDENT, FOCUSED, AGGRESSIVE football PLAYER who plays AGGRESSIVELY SNAP TO WHISTLE, HITS HARD, RUNS FAST, IS AGILE, TACKLES, BLOCKS, STICKS GUYS, CONTROLS THE BALL, SCORES TOUCHDOWNS (and throws accurately if you are a quarterback.) and then relaxes in between plays. This will also eliminate the self sabotaging limited thinking and emotional garbage that holds you back
This SUPER MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR FOOTBALL CD / mp3 brings out only positive thoughts and feelings that literally force you from within to be the MAXIMUM YOU and PLAY Football AT YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST AND BE All YOU CAN BE AS THE MAXIMUM YOU EVERY TIME!
After 1 hour, this powerful program will end and you will continue sleeping until it is your normal wake up time feeling absolutely FANTASTIC!
( There is no danger and you can NOT GET STUCK in hypnosis.)
Most football players will notice a significant improvement in their game immediately and some will need more time however I suggest that you listen every day for 30 days and then the night before practice or a game or even before a game or work out.
You can also play this mp3 or CD when you first wake up in the morning and make it “THE MENTAL BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS!”
Either way This powerful football program will give you more confidence, laser like focus, drive, aggression, speed and more power then you've ever imagined.
As a result you will experience MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHS IN YOUR PLAYING!
Here’s what this amazing Football MP3 / CD PROGRAM will do for you starting the very next time that you play football.
From the moment that you arrive on their field.
Using a secret “trigger word” You will instantly be able to "get into the zone" and stay there!
You will play football with 1000% FULL FORCE IMPACT
You will dominate your opponents!
You will always maintain your concentration!
You’ll automatically have total focus on the FOOTBALL practice or game
You will always remain calm and CONFIDENT, AGGRESSIVE AND STRONG under pressure!
You will hit, drive and tackle with maximum force, impact, confidence and power!
You’ll eliminate negative thoughts, fears and all self limiting beliefs and mental garbage that has been holding you back.
When you are in BETWEEN PLAYS you will be completely relaxed, feeling only dominant thoughts and you will block out all distracting sites, thoughts, feelings, sounds of chanting, and booing and all other distractions.
You will feel total confidence flowing through your body.
You will be totally confident in all of your decisions and you will see yourself as the dominant player.
If you are the quarterback you will picture, visualize and feel exactly where the ball will go and You will trust your decisions and actions and your teammates and you will throw and move with amazing power and accuracy.
When you hit or tackle guys you will do so with maximum confidence and power!
If you handle the ball in any way, you will have total control over the ball and total trust in your ability.
Your running speed will increase and you will make great decisions.
No matter what position you play you will remain alert, aggressive, confident in your ability.
You will always play your position as the MAXIMUM YOU!
You will immediately mentally let go of any mistakes and your mind will stay positive
You will have an automatic trust in yourself and your abilities!
YOU WILL ALWAYS PLAY FOOTBALL AS THE MAXIMUM YOU! Never the partial you, never the wimpy unproductive you. Always the MAXIMUM YOU!
These hypnotic suggestions will train your mind to automatically cause you to play football at your best each and every time.
Your mental game will significantly improve and as a result you will take your physical game to the next level almost overnight.
Why Should Trust This Football Training Program?
What You Are About To Discover Is
The Best Kept Secrets to Football Success
From the Man Whos Extraordinary Training Breakthrough Helped Top Football Players Achieve An Unfair Advantage In Football For 30 Years.
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions Program”was created by a professional Peak Performance Coach!
This incredible program has transformed the game of hundreds of NFL, college, even high school football players of all ages and skill levels. And it will work for you too, guaranteed. It was created and recorded by Chris Cady who is a Peak performance Hypnotherapist in Reno Nevada. The material on the CD is based on the teachings and training of his sports hypnosis mentor Peter Siegel who for 30 years worked with all of the pro and college football players mentioned earlier in this letter. Plus he worked with top achieving athletes in every sport Unfortunately Peter passed away. But before his death, Peter worked "on on one" with Chris and taught all of these incredible results producing techniques to Chris Cady so that he cold continue on this amazing work. And Chris is now continuing Peters work with this highly effective program.
Why not do yourself a big favor and get your copy of the
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions Mp3 or CD”
FREE $250.00 BONUS
Buy this Cd or mp3 before the special ends and you will get a FREE BONUS Gift worth $250.00. I know that as soon as you start seeing results in your football playing you will want more personal attention and even greater improvement. My normal fee for private consultation starts at $500.00 per session As a FREE BONUS you will receive a 30 minute consultation with me by telephone.
Make This Your Breakthrough Year.
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions CD”is the piece of football equipment that you need to get you to the next level as a football player. All successful standout football players know that having a ton of self confidence, better focus and an all around better mental football game plays a huge role in the outcome of a game while average and unknown players just keep working on their physical game. That is why Its the mental toughness that will separate you from the crowd.
Considering how much that you love playing football and how much money that you spend for football in time, money, blood sweat and tears, the cost of this CD could be a smart investment in reducing the last three. If you want to achieve your true football potential and consistently play ball at a level that you have only dreamed about. Order this amazing football program now.
You Can Try It Out RISK FREE!
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions CD” comes with an unlimited, unconditional any time ever money back guarantee. It is the best mental game football training program that you will ever use. No matter where you are in your game. We promise that you will significantly improve within the first week. You can measure your improvement anyway that you want to. If you feel that you are not more focused, more confident, driven, powerful, aggressive, fast, agile and overall better then ever. If you aren't hitting guys so hard that your coach doesn't tell you to stop hurting people... If you don't get complimented on your improvement...OR if you just feel that this CD is a bunch of bull, simply return it ANY TIME EVER and we will refund 100% of your money the same day. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! There are no hassles or weasel clauses. All we ask is that you buy it with good faith and good intent
There a million books and videos on how to play football, yet there has been very little quality information written about coaching and training the mental side of baseball. What is funny is that this is the 90% of the game.
The secret of how to play LEGENDARY football all lies within training your mind.
So if you are interested in doing this I have the solution that you need.
This football mental game training worked for all of the players mentioned above and more.
Do you think hypnosis might help your football training too?
Why not do yourself a big favor and get your copy of the
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions Program”
One final thought: One year from now you will be looking back on this day as one of the most important Football decisions that you have ever made.
Because you have absolutely noting to lose why not do yourself a big favor and order it RIGHT NOW! I will ship it immediately.
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Football Champions Program” By Master Hypnotist Chris Cady
is the world's most powerful training program for helping any football player take their current level of skill as a football player to an incredibly high level of play so that you are playing AS THE MAXIMUM YOU with INCREDIBLE LEVELS OF CONFIDENCE, POWER, FOCUS, SPEED, INTENSITY IN FOOTBALL Almost Overnight.
This program literally conditions the mental mind set which compels athletic dominance. Your subconscious mind becomes deeply programmed with ideals that align your thinking and behavior in sports and competition
your attitude emotional state outlook expectations are all coordinated and merged to form a feverish will to triumph you will have feelings of extreme power drive mega positive expectation invincible confidence and the conviction to be victorious are all aligned and subconsciously directed to fuel your competitive effort.
Using this recording takes you way beyond merely feeling ready before games and competitions it fosters a sense of absolute preparedness precision laser focus and the drive to take charge generate the full force of your ability and to prevail.
This is the Quick Start FOOTBALL System THAT Gives You Everything That You Need To Work On Your Mental Game and Your SELF CONFIDENCE and Mental Toughness To Bring Out The Very Best In Yourself and Play Winning Football!